It helps that this film is pretty entertaining, whether it be better than its predecessor or not, although that means that this film has stuff to turn people off, as well. Well, I guess Angelina Jolie in a silver cat suit in front of big, bold letters still sells quite a bit, as shocking as that might be. That's right, people, even though the reviews were relatively better, instead of making a whopping $274,703,340, it only made a mere. Well, this film did get better reviews than its actual predecessor, although that just means that people disliked it, rather than flat-out panned it, so, either way, one can understand why so many people were turned off by this film. 'Well, rock the cradle of life!' Man, that poster has got Angie Jolie, looking hot in a silver cat suit, with the title in huge, bold, golden letters, which makes this look more like the sequel to 'Monty Python's The Meaning of Life', and it doesn't help that the movie is kind of hilarious in its British silliness. This time, they took out the colon between 'Lara Craft' and 'Tomb Raider', like Tomb Raider is the name she married into, so it's only natural that the colon now leads into talk of a cradle.